What does “Home” mean to you?

The idea began in 2018 with Troy University Professor Larry Percy and artist Tara Sartorius. Because Troy University places a high value on educational programs for International students, the plan has always been to celebrate diverse artists expressing (in art and poetry) their perceptions and responses to the idea of home.

In 2019-20 and 2020-21, Troy University’s Department of Art and Design was honored to receive generous grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

This site documents process and progress of two consecutive years (and then some) of much-appreciated support and funding. The tile mural project, has encountered various delays (Covid pandemic, among other influences), yet continues to move along.

Follow our Instagram page for more details about the process and progress, and to get to know some of the amazing artist contributors to this project.

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Above are just a few of the more-than 600 tiles created over the past 2020-21 school year.
We are excited for the wonderful variety and diverse participation. Talent abounds!

We are creating an array of tile designs from artistic individuals worldwide.

Update 2021 - As the world changes, so this project has changed!

Our changes are brought about in conjunction with new (not yet formally announced) architectural dreams for Troy University’s International Arts Center. No longer an outdoor mural, we are now creating an indoor installation of panels that could later be installed as ceramic mosaic elements in Troy University’s International Arts Center.

Would you like to participate? Sign up below for upcoming news.

The beautiful Janice Hawkins Cultural Arts Park on the campus of Troy University in Troy, Alabama.

See the site!
This is the beautiful Janice Hawkins Cultural Arts Park on the campus of Troy University in Troy, Alabama.

Consider the nature of home from your point of view.
In the world around you, what do you see and what do you value?

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Formerly, Phase 2 was planned to  be part of the beauty filling the 10’ x 95’  red area.  Now, with our recent changes, the mural will have portable components.  Artists of all ages and abilities from Alabama, USA and International homes have submitted art.

Originally, Phase 1 was to be in the portico and Phase 2 was planned to fill the 10’ x 95’ red area.
Now the mural, designed to be indoors or outdoors, will have portable components.
Artists of all ages and abilities from Alabama, USA and International homes have submitted art.