Guadalupe Lanning Robinson

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Listen to our interview (7 minutes, 30 seconds) with Guadalupe Lanning Robinson and pay special attention to the beautiful birds in the background. She has quite the aviary in her studio!

I put great effort into creating something authentic that is my own. I hold high respect for the material and the concept of craftsmanship. It is a great challenge to contribute something new in clay to a tradition thousands of years old. Making objects of integrity that could contribute to this tradition is a continuous responsibility. I feel as excited today as I did when I first encountered it in Mexico City in 1979. Working in clay is a way to connect not only with the people who see my work but with time and culture. After living in the South for thirty-five years, my interest in quilting has intertwined with my work in clay and has become my Southern connection.

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que después
de tantos años
y unas distancias tan lejanas
aun eres parte de mi como un sello?
¿Es porque me viste nacer y amasaste tu DNA en mi ser?

Guadalupe Lanning Robinson, August 2020

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